About Me

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California, United States
Hi! You can call me Lu. This is a non-fictional blog about my life, because I need to start journaling. I hail from Southern California and am now a second year at a University of California school, studying biology. I tend to do clumsy, embarrassing things, but I at least have a ton of fun while I'm at it. This is basically my diary, so if you're reading, please respect it. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Work Hard, Play Hard?

Well, shit. 

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? What do you do if life shoves a million lemons in your tiny-ass hands? You do not make a million lemons' worth of lemonade that's for sure...

The past week has been hectic to say the least. I mean, at least I've been busy enough to not miss home too much, but I just have way too much stuff to juggle. Between classes alone (17 units, holla at yo girl) I am not yet aware of how to manage my time. Then, there's fun, volunteering, exercise, eating, sleeping... the list goes on and on. 

After my (rather uninteresting birthday) on Monday, sorority recruitment week basically dominated my life. I was under the impression that (especially as a sophomore) I would have a difficult time with girl flirting and getting called back to the houses that I wanted. However, I ended up having a really difficult decision between the two top houses and an upper middle tier (not that rankings matter in the end anyways). I totally made the right choice for me, and feel like I belong with the fun-loving, happy-go-lucky girls in the house that I chose. 

On bid day, we had a pizza party (here goes my healthy eating), then the girls told us to come back later that night. Usually, houses will go do some fun activity on bid day, so I guess we were all kind of confused as to what we would be doing. 

On the way home, I stopped by 'the garage' (Maya/Clara/Hannah/Monica [from my first night up here]). A bunch of our friends were celebrating Hannah's birthday, playing drinking games and lounging around their backyard. Spotting my bid day trucker hat, I received some celebratory hugs.

"Yay! You definitely chose the right place. Don't question it," Clara assured me after I revealed my curiosity about the other house I had seriously considered. "To be honest, I was so nervous that you were going to choose [insert top house here] and that it would change you."

I fully understand my friends' apprehensiveness towards me joining a sorority. Of course they are happy for me, but I sense their fear that I'll cease to make time for them, which really bums me out. However, there is no way that would drop because of them. In the end, I will shape my own college experience which ever way I choose. 

After decompressing and chilling on the outdoor couch (it rarely/never rains here) for a few hours, I headed back to my apartment to make some dinner. 

Once I approached the chapter house, I was hit with music spilling far out onto the block. Our bid day/night was a massive dance party! If I wasn't sure of my decision prior, that definitely sold it for me. The other girls and I (obviously) were literally making the dance floor weep tears of joy. It was probably our sweat, but I'll pretend that I didn't end up disgusting. We raged so hard that I passed right out once I set foot in my room. 

Rising early, I went on a three-mile run yesterday morning before my 8am biology class. Realizing that there are a lot of school-related things on my plate, I studied at the library for a few hours. Mid-study, I experienced a minor panic attack about lacking enough time to complete everything that I need/want to. Although I was really excited on a volunteer position that I was recently hired to, I notified them that I couldn't make the time commitment. Feeling a bit relieved, I was able to hammer on until I had class again. 

Last night, we had our first new member meeting at the chapter house. I have definitely bonded with a few girls already. I mean, they must be as cool as I am if we're in the same sorority. Lol.

After our meeting, some of the seniors were having us over to pregame. Monday night turn up... who would have ever thought I'd go out on a Monday night. Seeing as I have 8am's every damn day, I decided that I would abstain from drinking at our mid week socials and whatnot. But, we got there and... things change. Whoops. I really didn't drink very much, just enough to feel a little tipsy. 

A big group of us trekked over to one of the fraternity houses. Basically it was a million sorority girls with a few guys, including their cute new pledges (what can I say, I'm a coug) scattered in between. With Kevin very much on my mind, I am not interested in hunting for thirsty guys though. So, I found some friends who also joined sororities this year, and caught up with them.

Spotting one of my roommates, I yelled her name, "Jordan!!"

Running (I would call it stumbling, but we can give her the benefit of the doubt) towards me, she threw her arms wide, enveloping me, "Oh my god, Lu!!!!!"

"How's your night, roomie?" I asked her.

"I'm hammered." She began joining me in laughter after a few seconds. 

Shortly into our conversation, an extremely loud crash bellowed from my left. One of the DAB's (drunk ass bitches), probably an overly excited freshman, who was dancing on a table toppled to the sticky, hard floor. Perking up, she proceeded to exclaim, "WOOO party on!!!!" 


Eventually, I was very much done with my night (and the dumb frat guys) and longed for my bed. Returning to the chapter house to collect my things, I booked it home, drank a few glasses of water, and snuggled into bed. 

I can't say that waking up for class this morning was enjoyable, but with a cup of coffee, it truly wasn't bad. That isn't to say that I'll be drinking during the week regularly (especially because I want to keep my good bod), but once in a blue moon I'll go for it. 

Having just returned from today's long schedule of classes, I, finally, have had some time to decompress. In a way, being busy has been good for me. It has distracted me a lot, from my less than stellar birthday, Kevin, family, etc. 

One and a half Taylor Swift albums later, I am sprawled on the couch, pining over a boy who is two and a half hours away, not doing homework. 

Oh, and apparently, we have a "talk nerdy to me" themed party tonight. And, a paint party Thursday night. So, I guess I should start my homework.

Work hard, play hard? 

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